
Fisher-Price’s high-quality and educational toys have been part of children’s rooms for more than 90 years. The first wood-carved Fisher-Price toys were introduced in the 1930s, and since then, generation after generation has played with these high-quality and safe toys. The bright colours, fun shapes and happy sounds of Fisher-Price’s toys and baby gear help children develop their skills and grow. Stimulating and educational toys inspire children to explore and learn many wonderful things besides playing.

Fisher Price toys are tested by the best experts of play – children.

Check out the sweet selection for the youngest people in the family at and our Fisher-Price themed pages (in Finnish).

If you have any questions about the products, please contact us!

Fisher-Price’s range covers developing and interesting toys for the youngest in the family, from newborns to toddlers. Calming plush toys and activity toys which stimulate the senses of newborns introduce the surrounding world to the baby. Toddler’s toys encourage kids to move and develop their skills, and their numerous exciting features make children really feel the joy of learning.

Fisher-Pricen Wood is a new toy range for babies, toddlers and older children. The range includes toys that develop your child’s motor skills and problem-solving abilities, and inspire them to experiment and succeed. The high quality and safe products are made from FSC-certified wood.

Laugh & Learn -tuoteperheessä on tavallisesta arjesta tuttuja tuotteita lapsille sopivina leluversioina. Leluissa on hauskoja nappeja ja toimintoja, jotka houkuttelevat tutkimaan ja oppimaan. Lelut opettavat leikin lomassa numeroita, kirjaimia, värejä, muotoja, loruja ja lauluja.

Children love to imitate what they see. Indeed, a child’s first imitation and role play often focus on their everyday experiences, such as cooking, driving, or even shopping. Little People toys bring all the familiar places such as farms, villages, schools and homes to children in just the right size for them.