Monster High in Netflix TOP10!
The Monster High animated series is captivating audiences on Netflix and boosting the popularity of its dolls. Launched last week, the Monster High an...
Hot Wheels Let’s Race
Hot Wheels Let’s Race is a popular animated series that brings the iconic Hot Wheels brand to life in a thrilling and entertaining way. The seri...
The Children’s Great Summer Toybook 2024 is here!
The Children’s Great Summer Toybook is the surest sign of the approaching summer! The distribution of the Children’s Great Summer Toybook ...
Play has enormous benefits for a child’s development. Expert advice – parents, value play!
Children have the right to play, enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Often play and its importance are underestimated, even though...
Lasten Suuri Lelukirja is the best-known toy catalogue in Finland!
According to a survey conducted in December 2023, Lasten Suuri Lelukirja (the Children’s Great Toybook) has remained the best-known toy catalogue in F...
Toyrock is the new distributor of Teddykompaniet in Finland!
Toyrock’s growth in the Nordic market continues with the transfer of Teddykompaniet’s distribution rights to Toyrock in January. Swedish p...